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Where candidates stand in international politics

When the Soviet Union collapsed with the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s, there were a lot of celebrations and flags. However, some very wise throats on the back became nervous. Because the inevitable aftermath of this was that the United States remained the only lasting superpower. And there is a big responsibility and a big responsibility. .. And the target is fixed on your back.

Since then, as a country, we have taken our stance up to a well-meaning busybody who loot pirates without concern for our own business. Of the 14,000 active US military personnel, more than 369,000 are deployed outside the US soil in over 40 countries. Of course, it counts Afghanistan and Iraq, two major countries in which we have not only conflict but also some peacekeeping actions. Also, we do not count a few visits we have just dropped in for tea.

With all of these mud footprints we have left the world, American foreign policy is a more delicate issue than ever before. Our next president has no time to learn the * on * the job; they are passed at least two battle zones and expected to do something with them

Presidential candidate is the most international feeling of admiration. The first lady in the Senate and her rich experience as her year, when she cleverly handles foreign affairs so that she can handle domestic ones, if the important national interests of America are threatened ,, she says that she does not hesitate to use power. However, she prefers diplomatic priority. "The United States must be guided by the preferences of multilateralism, and it is necessary to choose unilateralism when absolutely necessary."

In other words, she plays it safely. Playing it safely may seem boring, but after eight years of “shock and awe”, most of us are ready to settle down with the safety player but for us 9/11 I can punish the world.

The main candidate on the Republican side is Rudy Giuliani, who is the opposite. He says, "We are all members of the 9/11 generation." He says the civilization itself is under attack. He is also said that Iraq can win in the US, followed by the loss of Vietnam's power base, its nervous group. He has always been a candidate for a perfect hawk, and as far as foreign policy goes, is essentially a new George Bush.

Mitt-Romney score with another card. Romney, an efficient businessman with his eyes on the bottom line so far, he implements foreign policy to make them more effective and lower cost Well, yes, deeply with the country And still digging money around the world, maybe we can put that diplomatic budget on a diet. However, Romney doesn't resign in Iraq because of the weak Iraqi pullback or him because he is still brutal to military action.

Back in the Democratic Party, Barack-Obama is a deep thinker who has the advantages of being an racial mix as well as being an international nurture, which when he visits the country when answering questions about foreign policy, Obama is here and there. Of course, he is thinking of countries on a case-by-case basis, rather than mushing all countries outside the United States into "faceless" them, many candidates-and voters about that

Looking back at the Republicans again, we have John-McCain. McCain is moderately chewed. Due to his impressive military background, he has a view of war, and some of the other candidates can question, know the reality of the decision, let alone he soon from Iraq It will not be pulled out, but if everyone can come by exit strategy, there is no doubt he can. He has more years as a soldier than diplomats.

For the remaining candidates, much can be drawn from polls. Only hackers, hunters, and TANCLEDO support Guantanamo Hunter and Tancredo join Giuliani and Romney to be a professional torture. Only gravel, Kucinich, and Richardson are opposed to building a border fence. Only gravel and Kucinich will not consider military action against Iran, while Obama ponders a mixed opinion. The candidates fall nearly along the Iraqi party line.

What the President had done before entering politics

Clearly, if almost all our presidents do not hold another office before being elected to the oval office-just any good organization And that's a lot of our presidents are wealthy It is a fact that has been born at home, despite the wishes of the founding father to break away from the notion of a ruling class. However, many presidents have labor in the private sector before stepping into government buildings I have an interesting story to talk about.

One big obvious answer is clear. Of the 43 presidents we had, until 2008, 25 were lawyers. That is a phenomenal proportion of 58%. Not only that, all the major candidates we took office as president in 2008 have also got a law degree, and some of them are practicing the law Clearly, you want a shot of the president If you do, the first thing to do is to get a law doctor.

Another career seeks as few of the soldiers as few surprises as possible, in front of some of the armed forces who served as our 43 president. Having served in several more naval air forces-George * W * Bush, Senior were pilots, and Jimmy * Carter got their way up to both Navy Lt

All President Thomas-Jefferson had the longest resume outside of the six career politics; he had been a writer, inventor, lawyer, architect, peasant. Will it be a very special place for her? The first swivel chair along with other innovations he sets when he designed his famous house, Monticello.

In contrast to the old chestnuts on how actors make great politicians, only Ronald Reagan had a acting career before actually becoming a politician

Only three presidents had previous careers as writers. Although almost certainly not paid directly as a writer, Thomas Jefferson, who did his writings in the process of directing and documenting the early years of our government, although about Kenedy, his writings are actually his father , Joseph * P * Kennedy, who was helping a senior, complete his memoirs of his three years as a US ambassador to the UK With regard to Jimmy Carter, he wrote 23 books, as a professional writer It is the only president to qualify. Certainly, these two were all written after, and not before, but his president.

Another writing career was via the journalist of the Indiana Supreme Court judgment reporter during the time he was studying the law.

We're on the theme of Jimmy-Carter's career, but let's clear something: The title of "Peanut Farmer" was exaggerated. He helped him as a young boy on his parents' peanut farm. There was no evidence that he then wanted to make a career, as it gave up after an accident with some equipment that left him with an injured finger

Harito Ruman, especially the early ones of some things-was the owner of the plantation, but also the farmer alone, and the other president. His father was actually a peasant, but Truman had been working there for some of his childhood and returned to the family farm in 1906 and stayed there for 11 years Married his lover back from the First World War, made a sole men's clothing retailer on his presidential list, opened up the fancy. The farm went bust during the Great Depression.

Working at Andrew-Johnson is made to order. He became a tailor at the age of ten and at the age of sixteen he and his brother fled to the town where he found a job as a tailor and stayed there until the end of his teen years and then he entered politics as a city council member The

And, contrary to what you might expect, you were given a poor separation of American churches and nations. He preached his first sermon at the Poesteenkill in New York.

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