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Why is the United States not democracy?

Is the United States not democracy? What an outrageous claim to make! Or so it seems. ..

In fact, America is actually a republic. Other terms that are rumored among political scientists are "representative democracy" and "constitutional republic". There is a very important difference between pure democracy and what we have in the United States. Especially the problem is rough.

For example, in the 2000 presidential election, if you (hypothetically) did not like George-Bush, but did not trust Al-Gore, at least other things that you actually did Was to abandon your vote for the electoral system. Each state has a certain number of electoral votes, and the candidate who gets the most votes in the state has all of the states, even if they win only one vote

Your voters will only count the votes of your constituency until a clear winner appears and then go to the electoral board to vote for the winner. That is what it boils: one vote from each area. Ralph Nader's vote did not cancel George Bush's vote.

As we have a representative government, in a more general scheme of things, the United States is a republic. Individuals do not get to vote for details directly, whether they go to war or not whether we have the seat belt law. All we can do by voting, too, is a parliamentary member, governor, mayor, appointing a senator, yes, the president.

If your election is approved once, please be the representative. They get a campaign they get elected, but after you vote on them they are not bound to express you at a slight and you impeached them to break the law and the office's oath You can get them, but when they've been elected, they all about

Furthermore, in direct democracy you have to follow the laws passed. In the republic, the law is interpreted by the third branch, which is the judicial system. The court is free to ignore the law, even if it finds that the case is fair, against the rules of abandonment, or the law is unfair. This is why everyone who committed adultery in California is not in prison-there is a law against it, which is ignored.

Perhaps we are asking ourselves why not we have direct democracy? Well, when the country was established only 230 years ago, the device you are reading this was not invented yet. The same goes for cars, phones, TVs, telegraphs, and radios. Where was the communication technology when the declaration of independence was signed? Gutenberg's printing machine A ship at sea was firing a cannon, raising a flag and sending a signal. In the land, I had pen, paper, pony express.

Now we insist on collecting information based information on every single citizen of the whole country to do every single thing, using only letters delivered by horse, you are right It will be impossible!

Now, "Well, now we might be able to send information at electricity speeds everywhere. Why do we change directly to democracy and can't throw away all this red tape?" Not so fast! There is already an experimental idea being thrown around about this-one of them is the Unity 08 party and the other is voting ini at the federal level

However, even the most bold of these does not propose to immediately implement pure and complete direct democracy. You, as a citizen, in the world with foreign leaders to decide whether you will do business with them or allow their request for assistance a bill passed by Congress last year Have you had time to read all the hundreds of pages? And most of these, about the trivial matters such as how much money to grant such a program, what its next memorial

There are many ways to organize yourself as a group of 3 million people than you first think. Simply put, we are not built like ants or bees; nature was not intended for us to be able to function as a hive heart. Humans are great for small groups, but it's even more than gathering us all, including national census and corporate board of directors. Humans do not scale

Humans don't scale That's why we have the closest thing to democracy, namely the constitutional republic!

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