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Beautiful stretch mark of pregnancy

If you know that you are pregnant, until your small waist size pops up a small stretch mark, things are about to change The stretch mark is exactly what it is, so it remains on the red or purple mark on your skin It is. The most common areas where it appears is buttocks, thighs, stomach, chest, and even the arms. 90% of all pregnant women or prevention of multiple bodies as well.

There are tons of lotion claimed to prevent stain marks such as scar serum, cocoa butter and Maderma. Please make sure your skin is always damp. Every day there is a new discovery. Try yourself first and see if you work for you. This is not something you put in during your pregnancy once, you will have to make daily efforts for it to work. If most of it became a woman it was made.

Eat healthy during your pregnancy and try to stay in shape. Access can continue without being able to continue. Average weight gain recommended, 25-35 Healthy pregnancies are 25-35 pounds. However, we will make a lot of drinking water and healthy skin with hydration supplement. You can begin to get a stretch when your skin dries.

Also more stretch marks will be added to more than one child. Your skin is already growing and you are going to do it again. It's a stretch mark on a big baby or multiple babies. As soon as you know that you are pregnant and try to reduce the chance of getting them, you start using cream and lotion with vitamins A and E.

If you are pregnant then massage will be done. Even with stretch marks, care for everything. These fade times do not take long, you do not have to worry so it seems to be used. They can not bear to you, and if you have been waiting for a while, you can choose to have tummy tacks or laser ablation. Make an appointment with dermatologist to see what he / she has to say. You can discover that you can live with them after all.

In addition to caring for your skin everyday and correctly eating, there is not much you can do to prevent these beautiful pregnancy marks, but this is a trial You tried Half a woman who knows you are pregnant is probably a mark Or take a consolation knowing that you have two, they will think about it as a little road map as you have been started on your maternity gang only. No women should not be ashamed of her stretch marks ever, they may not be the most beautiful things in the world, but they remember one, but I am amazed the next time.

Prepare a child for pregnancy

I want to tell everyone, including your child, the moment you find your pregnancy. The way you tell your child depends on your age, that you are pregnant or they are going to be an older brother or sister soon But however, it is a bit difficult for young children to explain this .

Think about your child's personality when it comes time to say to them. It is Iiko. I will tell you that some people like "Daddy" as well as the clues they are sent to you will be fortunate and they will be able to walk through the room while you are announcing it. This happened to me when I was expecting the fourth of the child.I just walked from the bathroom shaking the thin stick of air to show my husband.I thought they had me pregnant Until I heard the screech, I could not figure out that my children were in the room.

Their reaction
In the event of a shock impact, children's acts are far away, and the news of many children is their way of doing. One of your children might start imitating everything you do and pretend to be pregnant with you. I do not want another baby to bring home while another child may say. These are common reactions to all news and the way you process it determines the outcome.

Sometimes you may want to find out if your child wants another child in the house. The only way to find what bothers him / her is to ask. I am afraid because it took me, but I love the understanding and cooperation of love and if I forget it, a baby will be born.

Even if you show it is important
A good way to do this is to make sure that the baby gets something at the moment of birth. Attempts to read child books with them to show them that it is a good thing. I will make a dad.

Include your child during pregnancy
This is my baby too, your child is accompanying you to the number of doctor's visit. Please let me hear the heartbeat of their sister and brothers. When they see the baby for the first time on the screen they see their face turned on. There are many methods, but it is possible to encourage the rotation, but my role was decided. Sweat belly with your hands for the first time for our baby's kick.

As long as it is easy to prepare brothers for your new arrival as you accompany them during pregnancy along the way. They are happy to feel much of the relationship to the baby, part of it when he / she is born.

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