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Benefits of vegetarians to diabetic patients

Diabetic patients have to choose foods to eat very carefully as each meal choice to make will have a profound influence of the overall health of the meal basis on the meal. Diabetes affects people of all sexes, from all walks of life and all ages from the background. Untreated, so wounds can be healed slowly Infections take longer to cure blind and renal failure. Diet is one of the most important ways to control diabetes, vegetarian lifestyle with emphasis on low fat, high fiber, nutritious food is non -
It affects more than 30 million people all over the world and this disease inhibits the body from processing foods properly. Usually, most of the food we eat are glucose, carried by blood to all cells of the body, digested into the sugar used for energy, converted into hormones, insulin is handled by cells. But diabetic patients do not control the amount of glucose in the blood because the mechanism to convert sugar to energy does not work correctly. Insulin is absent and present in insufficient amounts or has no effect. As a result, glucose will create problems with blood flow, weakness, loss of ineptic adjustment to concentrate and contaminated vision. If the correct balance of food intake and insulin is not maintained, diabetic patients may have blood sugar levels too low. If this condition lasts for a long time, it may result in coma and death.
However, incurable, diabetes can be successfully controlled by insulin's diet and exercise, oral medication, infusion, or a combination. Instead of counting calories, diabetic patients need to calculate total carbohydrate intake so that more than half of the foods are composed of complex carbohydrates. Many diabetic vegetarians give insight that they feel the power and control of their illness as a result of diet without their meat

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