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Grading with home schooling

Grading at home schooling is done by the teacher in charge. Most
For example, this means mother! In this situation, grading is
I can tricky so it's not difficult to have a grade
Children You do not have criteria you can rate
Child's performance. In most cases, you do not have consciousness of again
I have something to say which other children. So, obviously traditional
It is the best way to only evaluate the method.

It is more when it grades children under home schooling
It is important to evaluate whether children understand target
It is taught. What is unique to this,
If the child does not understand something, you will move on it again.
This works with your child's favor in two ways. First, children
Knowing that there is a topic if he or she fails to catch it
Repeat until it is learned. Secondly, children also,
Once the topic is acquired, he or she gains full credit
For his hard work. Putting in is to get a complete reward for hard work
A great motivational factor, especially for children.

When evaluating your child's abilities, please do not forgive your emotions
Crowd your theoretical. Please do not yield to the scream and tears of
Your child if he or she resists a topic or theme. If
You need to master these skills.
It's not just as a parent) You need to repeat the topic over and over
When dealing with more stringent concepts until sinking, children
Even if you calm down, you regret or belligerence.
When children can not understand that they are still young
The importance of his lesson is your responsibility to see it
To develop the skills necessary for future growth by children.

If you belong to a condition that requires an annual test,
You help to judge your child's ability-a-vis against his companion.
There is no need to have it, so I would like to try every child
Twitchy knick. These tests reveal children's change
Learning pattern. It may indicate an unexpected area of ​​strength
Unknown area of ​​weakness so far. This makes it possible to structure
Your teaching to cover weak areas and build on top
Strong area.

If your state requests homeschool's report card, please keep a
Annual development and score record of your child. Small tits.
Appropriate areas like punctuality of the report, training etc.
You also need to keep records of business days
And attendance schedule.

A lot of external evaluation to use as a child evaluation grades External
I will test as much as possible. There are multiple websites that deal with
Allows different age groups, and free downloads of questionnaires.
This is an excellent, cost-effective way to assess your
Child home schooling will be boosted if done in the proper way
Children confidence Because he will be studying to satisfy him
Natural curiosity. True as it reflects the score
It's intellect.

Homeschooling financing

When people talk about teaching their children from home
Even with existing combination curriculum
It is natural to think that home schooling is cheap. But this
Truth Home schooling does not stick to any particular identity
Text when it comes, this is probably more of a kind of trouble than a blessing

When you need to make sure your child receives it
State-of-the-art education so that they can compete regularly
School visitors, the cost will be mounted naturally. Actual cost of
Educating your child at home is surprisingly expensive. .
Textbooks, teaching materials, libraries, computer equipment,
Lighting and specially designed furniture are all expensive. In this
If, the cost may be slightly less when coming to
Home school second child. I will add an extra tuition fee to this
Cost for teachers coming to teach subjects that can not be handled
By parents like higher level mathematics and science. Total cost is available
The bit mind seems to be far.

Considering another important factor,
Homepage school "Tsuzuretsuku.
Tied to the parents' house and concentrate on offering perfectly
Education deprives the family of the second income member. this
The average home schooling teacher is usually a college woman
Degree This means she can easily bring home wages of $ 35,000
Or more. It is also interesting to note most families
There are two or more children who do not choose all the home schooling.

However, there are people who have succeeded in implementation
Homeschooling at low prices. This depends on the size of
Family, support group, type of material used and
Availability of materials. When consecutive children can be reused
Material will cost down. Many course materials will be as follows
I got from a home schooling material vendor. Membership of A
Public libraries, theaters, concerts, ballet and other cultures
Events can also help reduce costs. Sometimes it is also possible
Exchange expertise. For example, an 8-year-old mother
Classes that dance, and their daughters receive painting lessons
For freedom. Cost area of ​​division that can support group
Travel, science projects and trade fairs.

What cost, the advocate of home school says it
The advantage far outweighs these considerations. When you can
I got my child to know how to become
Should be taught and to what extent it will give you lots of freedom
And a lot of electricity. Children and parents
We benefit from this mutually rich experience.


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