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How and where to promote

More than anything, the key to business success depends
How and where to promote. Be sure to advertise, forever
It remains unknown. In case you need to enter mousetrap
Tell people about it, your ideas and efforts will come

Everyone has ideas for products, services or a on the surface
Some kind of "how" manual. Many people spend half of them
Learn the way to complete the product, complete living life
Service, or writing a book - to end only with no sentence
For grieving "Who hits the path to their door to buy"
Why are you doing that.

In most cases, it is a question of whether you want to "go down"
Just as another inventor, hard worker, author as "history" or want to
"Sell the product and enjoy the reward."

Always do some analysis of basic basic sense products and market
Study before you begin building, learning, or entering together
Something you want people to buy. The same kind of "research"
Apply will save your time, frustration and money
The same principle to every "sales opportunity" to wake you

Checklist of questions that must be answered before you
Determined projects already understand sales
Status. Such checklist

1) Who will I sell it to?
2) Do you really want these people, do you need it?
3) How big is the market?
4) How do I reach these people and get them to buy?
5) Sales of others Similar products, services or written?
6) What makes my product and strategy apart?
7) I can supply the product at the price the customer pays
   You still make a profit for yourself?
8) How much time, effort and money must be invested in order
   How can I achieve my profit target?
9) I have the resources, and the stamina to carry this idea
   By success to success?

If you answer these questions - complete this bit of basic
Product analysis and market research - then you can start planning
How exactly do you intend to sell it and to draw a map from your advertisement
Strategy from there. Find the success of selling a lot of effort
If you are honest and objective it is easier and much more beneficial
These answers will begin before you ask questions "Checklist."

It is absolutely essential that you analyze the product,
Your prospect's profile - your saleability
Products, and the people you want, demand for such products
Purchase. Another thing, please do not overlook it so far "Poo pah" Your
Real and / or imagination competition.

When people ignore the analysis of products and answer basic
Study questions, they are almost destined to fail reliably.
These are the reasons for people who failed almongst accurately
Try to start the mail order business. We literally
Mail order offers for products that are losers; and offers
From people trying to sell our own materials and / or associations
Items that we can buy at wholesale price.

Sears & Roobak do, send a new catalog or sales circle
Do you think you were "really" sent to Montgomery - Ward? another
Thing, this is "We are all friends and in the same business, so you
Purchase from me, I will buy from you "Philosophy is to keep you busy
Mailbox Columbia University, not stefans Results Profitable
P & L sheet. Advertise with the medium to reach your buyers,
Sending direct mail material is pretty

The way this first task is judged is
Customers are designed and designed to reach the next
Those particular people. Generally, you will not try to sell
Nursing magazine, or socket wrench advertisement and pantyhose
With advertisements of magazines for brides.

In other words, appeal to the advertisement of the design "
A sort of customer, "- Please send us $ 5 for our report on how to write order
Pull ads - and place these ads on
Publications These people buy and read. When selling gifts
Items, technologies and other items advertise with their kind
Publications - a general product catalog that cater to that species
Buyer's. If you are wanting to recruit salespeople, with a dealer
Advertising on publishers, people reaching publications
I am looking for opportunities like this

I do not recommend that you begin, or your
Business via direct mail, when time comes for you
Extract it to direct mail and discriminate - select mailing list
For customers of your type. Do-it yourselfers for store tools,
Cosmetic buyers for jewelry and self adornment items,
Your crafts, hobby, how-to book buyers for self improvement
Book, opportunity seeker for business starting manual,
Proven advertiser for your publication.

So, you need to read articles on business success
Put your ad on a publication carrying similar ads - advice
Put ads on publications that reach "something like" given
Buyer "Just because it is a publication that reaches mail order
People and you are not selling imported gift items by email
Mean that your ads will be pulled from the exposure of publications. Always
Please add another answer: it
The buyer that I am selling to?

Oh, this is an entrepreneur in order of many mails. ,
And very definitely, this is a mistake in advertising
M / O advertisement sheet. Publications to analyze types of people
Reaching, and not only loyalty and true concern
Readers of the publication, and then they decide whether or not
Answer your advertisement, it is easy if you ask yourself a few
Question of common sense.

Mail order ad sheet: beginning of these ranges and small mail order
Dealers .. their charm is selfish looking to the Lord
Tsutsu niece "Tsubu" Tsuzu Tsutsu Kezutsutsutsu δ
To see who the ad is, what to advertise, and
A list of accumulated or created mails is displayed. In very few cases any response
Not for the looking recipients, but for something to buy, however
For shortcuts to more profit.

Mail Order Tab Sheet: These basically reach the same audience
M / O advertisement sheet. Generally more attractive for ..
Dedicated to mention "education" articles and large space
Who is doing what / is naming it by printing & free promotion. Evaluate these
According to the "information" passed along the article.
Normally, these publications pull greater responses than advertisements
The sheets, yet, are composed of the largest audience they are doing

Mealer's catalog: These medias,
Plus a very large segment of a specific buyer - generally related
To the overall type of goods provided in the catalog.
Unless there is an article on "business building", recipients
Generally throw them aside at a glance. .. these are very
In the case of a good showcase dealer distributor advertisement
"Establish" the product catalog of the type of product you are doing
Specific output of a very good advertisement that can be sold catalog

Magic, extra income magazines like money to make speculation,
Entrepreneurs: These publications individually reached very loyalty
Basic subscriber list, most people want or want
Begin, or already involved in sparetime's extra income
Project, tremendous number of readers of "first time"
With each problem. Looking and evaluating them according to the balance
Of actual "business building" articles they carry
Relationship with their advertisement - and overall, according to
Not only the quality of the publication but also each audience
Reach - Are articles really helping you, are they "advertising"?
"Write up" for advertisers. .. I can see these things
The magazine is kept for the recipient and will be referenced
Year --- Because it can be expected to do most of the time
Your ad placed in one of these magazines - the offer you have
Review deleted

Remember: the point is that you know your type
To show it your buyer - style of your product or opportunity
Especially appeal to that type of buyer - and your placement
Publication advertisement that reaches buyers of your kind.

Cook a magazine for recipe.
Mechanic magazine; with self-improvement books and items
General product catalogs; and revenue opportunities
Self-help magazines such as business construction, earning money

In addition to checking the profile of your customer
Publication demographics, it is important that you too
Match your selling price within the average price of
All else provided in that publication. Where to show your ads
Probably sell $ 20 books featuring books in the $ 65 of the publication
I will not pull for you. With the same talk, any advertisement will try
Promote the "Reproduction Type" report of the magazine selling $ 50
The book probably will not bring up so many responses for you.

In order to make it successful - you need a product, profile
Buyers, design advertising appealing to their own interests
That particular type of buyer; and place your ads in publications
Reach those kinds of buyers. If you are going to sell
Direct shipment will send your offer to buyers in the future - no seller
The same type of material you are going to sell.

Even if very few people recognize a legitimate opportunity, you
Even so, unless you have it - so hit on your head
Truly new, and truly an opportunity transaction
A lifetime stamp program
To other mail order dealers who may already sell it.

Assuming you "know" your typical customer, the best
The media to reach this type of customer, the next step is
Your advertisement together. It has said millions times before, but that's it
Understand important matters, please explain clearly Advertisement charm
To the self-interests of your prospects. It is in some form

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