Many people tell you "no more"
Secret to the creation of big profit in mail order. "These same
People will laugh at you and call it "fool" to waste you
Time follows a rainbow that does not exist.
You do not believe, listen to them! Opportunities for
Riches beyond your wild dreams by selling direct flights
Products and services have been great!
If you have an idea, product, or service is now time
We will utilize it via sale of mail orders. You definitely
"On the table in the kitchen" and sell it to millions of dollars.
Others will do it and continue to succeed themselves. Now
It's your turn for the pie part.
Procedures like making other profitable businesses
The "profit" by e-mail has its own rules. Learn these rules,
Adhere to them, adjust them to your own situation,
"Battle plan" and work, work. Please be patient and take care of other things
People's marketing
You can become a billionaire
With your own right. Watch over look shoulder
It was fun to the highest, but it is already a little
That's it!
Knowledge and ability to use that knowledge is fundamental
The key to success You need to identify the goals you want to achieve,
Understand what it needs to achieve its goal, then devote it
Myself in arriving there.
The way to successful achievement of your purpose
Fall of direct mail to three different categories; (1) market
Research and product selection, (2) use of "targeted" shipment
List, and (3) customer follow-up. If you can understand
In these rules "hows and whys" virtually there is no way you have
You can help, but you can succeed in the field of mail order, but it will also start
From zero.
Market research is relevant to the choice of appropriate
Identify your "likely" buyers and get the products you get
Provision of products to these people. Product selection is almost
Basic, and thus the most important first step.
Stop and listen carefully to see the surroundings and listen to what to find
"People" is mostly looking for it. At this day and age, many
The noise in the air, "how can you find out
Work? "," How can I put a resume together to get my work done
When will I spot on the start? "Where is the best job?"
With these thoughts in mind, people writing, publishing,
And get these instructions to the manual and newsletter relative
Questions for people can sell a lot of he can produce.
Therefore, the step is to "listen" what people want
Fulfill those desires. Study to do this by spending some time
subject. Local Public Library, Interview No.
Implementation of people who succeeded in satisfying their desires
Some "dry run" for personal experience, then your
The "secret" to the final wealth is the function of creating a
Products that can duplicate restrictions on the number of times for
Sold for pennies and dollars. So many people get "stuck"
Down "in this rule" because they do not understand, "with time
Motion "requirement. As an example, if you were on stage
Seminar for unemployed in your area to help you find them
Land work, you will definitely be lucky very quickly.
But you will be committed to constant expenditure of time
Prepare the seminar and perform it. Therefore, I will make lots of money
For yourself, but at the same time it supports losses
Enjoy time consuming things that are rich
I just wanted to try it. The only way around
This would be to train, prepare, hire others on the stage
You mean a seminar that means to split you,
It is profit
After all, "the only way" to succeed is to write something
You can duplicate frequently as necessary and effectively sell
Forever you can spend the full moon
Organize your materials and write cost manual $ 1 per
Copies to be produced in quantity. You sold it for $ 20 copies, over
During the three year period, you sell 3 million copies. so
Essence, it will be 60 million for one month's work! !!
So writing "something" that people want is the only way to go.
But be careful. Please confirm that you did your homework
You write about what most people stand on "
Buy line ". Listen to what people want and give it
Those. This is a part of your market research product selection.
I am able to relax while enjoying cries, drinks
In addition to "discovering" the right product,
Also "identify" your buyers. Do not try to get interested in people
Especially with something that does not meet either of them
Do not mistake casual interests and complaints as desire
The voice of the masses. "Hear" to spend some time,
And write to meet that need.
If you are ready for your product so that customers can buy
You need to spend some time creating appropriate sales letters
A circle to use with showing it to your potential customer.
Among them, customers' sales material image
Professional spirit and selling law, selling law, selling law.
It is a sale sale message at presentation of used paper and printing.
Presented in a way to instruct, not what you have to say
Let's see who you are and how much you are to write on qualification
Subject, or how much work you put into the project, from
Standing point how customers are doing to contribute from purchasing a
A copy of the manual.
As an example, General Motors does not advertise cars by saying
Designed to be designed and designed - by the university
Graduates and labor union workers, and you have heard someone up to now
Kick the tires and walk to the car at the dealer's showroom
I shouted "Boy, this certainly looks like a safe thing!" In fact, a new
The car is sold by the image of the future owner sitting
Show by driving through the driver's seat and him
Neighborhood. "What kind of ring is there behind the cliff?
She feels to you. Go ahead and take it for the test drive. I will drive it.
See what home and your neighbor think. .. "
There are advantages that buyers are going to receive in the future
Since all letters of "victory" sales are written, the starting point
Circulation board is designed It is a "secret" of getting people to
Use money for products and services. Students
Your university advertising class, free advertising agency
Personnel believes that advertising of a car dealer that does not have it
Managers are people who turn to ideas and help.
Next, follow up. This is an easy one page
List of other "related" materials for your customers. Assuming
Instantly put in the category of "outsiders", such as Mai's manual, follow
How the work lists the manual How to dress the project award
Image, how to breeze through an interview, and what to do later
Interview (probably the opportunity for your buyer to subscribe
Quarterly newsletter
Follow-up work collection so far
Prepare before you make your main offer
Public then, if you start up, you simply enclose the order
Follow up with a list of other materials available with
The manual ordered the customer. Therefore, you make one sale,
As a result you make further sales of related materials. They are
A kind of "back-end" sale that keeps business and yours
Multiplication of profits. Do not ignore the follow-up part.
We are preparing for buyers in
Money is also a beginner's direct mail from here
Ball Save money and do not just send your offer to us
An old name list. A reputable Merlin
Visit your public library and seek a copy of the librarian
Standard rate and data service directory for mailing
List broker. We will find one with your local area and what looks attractive.
Brokerage of eh's mailing list Oh please
For his help in selecting a profitable mailing list
for you
You probably need to borrow a minimum value of 5,000 people at cost
Between $ 65 and & 90 thousand people, but in the end you are
Good offer and good, so save a lot of time and money
For the mailing squirrel
Tsutsu ", it's a pair of sharp tips.
$ 475 thousand per 795. However, such a response from 20%
The list of a & 20 manual means $ 20,000 in your pocket.
Incoming calls from names and addresses created with your time spent
Provide mail order, or borrow any mailing list to use
Sources other than reliable brokers are not only stupid,
A shortcut to a poor house! Identify the most likely buyer,
Tsutsu niece "Tsutsu" Tsubu
On his most sensitive list, you will make a lot of money
Every time everything is just a little practicing practicing futile!
There is it. It's short and sweet. Cut and dry. "Easy Way"
To the great profit of mail order starting from one. They are
Basic, doing it, other secrets, and how you
I can do it. Organize yourself and follow these guidelines
It is next to impossible that you will not succeed. Remember it.
But your best product is "how will it be information.
People want to learn. Something you can study, write
Produced for about, Penny, then sold for dollars.
And if you are ready to start taking orders, do not forget, make
Getting your offer to buyers who are most likely to be true. Get out!
Person who wants to spend out with mail order circle
Money for your product.
It can be simple, simple, very rewarding! To understand the
The requirement places itself to succeed and goes after it! this is
Time could be you billionaire next year! !!
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