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Importance of Food Elements

The purpose of food is to promote growth, supply power and heat, and supply materials to constantly repair waste occurring in the body. Every breath, every thought, every move, is wearing the sensitive and wonderful part of the house where we live. In order to keep the body healthy, its innovation materials are supplied by food and drink media by constantly updated supply of materials appropriately adapted to replenish worn or disabled tissues The diversity of the characteristics of some tissues of the body by that the desired ends may be most easily and completely achieved may be achieved by various elements such that each part is appropriately nourished and supplemented It should be included.

Element of food.

The various elements found in food are starch, sugar, fat, egg white, inorganic matter, indigestible substance.

Digestible food elements are often categorized into three classes according to their chemical composition. , Carbonaceous, nitrogen, and inorganic. The carbonaceous class contains starch, sugar and fat; all albuminous elements of nitrogen; and inorganic consists of mineral elements.

Starch is only in vegetable food; all cereals, most vegetables and some fruits are abundant and contain starch. Several types of sugar are made of nature's laboratory; canes, grapes, fruits, and lactose. The first one comes from sugar cane, sap of maple, beet roots. Grapes and fruit sugar are in most fruits and honey. Milk sugar is one of the ingredients of milk. Glucose, artificial sugar resembles glucose, mainly produced by corn or potatoes of starch, chemical process; however, it lacks the sweetness of natural sugars and is never their proper substitute . Egg white is in the purest, unbonded state of white of the egg almost completely composed of egg whites. It exists in many other foods of both animals and vegetables, combined with other food elements. It is seen to some extent in oatmeal, and other cereal and vegetable juice. All natural foods contain elements that resemble egg whites in many respects and are classified under the generic name "egg white" for convenience. "These chiefs are the gluten found in wheat, rye, barley.The casein found in pea, bean, milk, and meat fibrin are elements of this class.

Fat is contained in both animal and vegetable food. Among the animal fat, butter and sweet are common examples. In the form of vegetables, the fat is abundant as nuts, peas, beans, various cereals, and some fruits, olives. As naturally supplied to nuts, legumes, cereals, fruits, milk, this element is always seen in finely subdivided state, which state is most commonly used for digestion most commonly used So, in the form of free fat, butter, lard and so on. Not only that, digestion itself is difficult, but often interferes with the digestion of other food ingredients that are mixed with it. Certainly, fat is not intended to be changed from its natural state, separated from other food ingredients, and should never be used as a separate food, but other carbon elements that can say the same, sugar , Starch, neither alone, can sustain life, but proper natural cereal grains and other milk with elements of food will supply these elements of abundance. Vegetable cellulose, woody tissue, and wheat bran can not turn into blood of tissue, but by giving the size to the food an important eye

With the exception of gluten, none of the food elements can support life when used alone. The true food substance contains some of each food ingredient, each amount varying with different foods.

Use of food elements.

Regarding the purpose for which these different elements serve, it is commonly known that carbonaceous elements, including large bulk of food, serve three purposes within the body;

1. They provide materials for the production of heat;

2. They are the source of forces when ingested in connection with other food elements;

3. They replenish the adipose tissue of the body. However, this obvious advantage is offset by the fact that fat is much more difficult to digest than other carbon elements, and due to body heat the proper nature is far more than the human natural food fat The fact that they provided enough starch and sugar to make it the intention that they are the main source of carbonaceous food

Nitrogen's food element nourishes more highly activated and active tissues, especially in the brain, nerves, muscles, and the body, and it also serves as a stimulus for tissue changes. Therefore, it can be said that foods lacking these elements are particularly poor foods.

Inorganic elements, chief of which is phosphate, helps to supply necessary building materials for soda, and lime, bones and nerves in potassium carbonate.

Proper combination of food.

It is important that our food should contain some of all the various food ingredients, but experiments of both animals and humans, the systems completely meet the requirements of the system The relative proportion of these elements necessary to compose food is six in carbonaceous matter in either of the nitrogen. Scientists are dedicating a lot of careful research and experiments to the determination of the amount of each element of food necessary for personal daily nutrition under various conditions of life, many articles of food, however , Because either nutritional elements or other deficiencies of these elements adopt the diet that one of the nutritional elements is missing, the missing element in the superabundance

Therefore, it is clear that much attention should be paid to the selection and combination of food materials. And what they need to understand what foods are best to supply these needs but how to group them according to physiological law
Digestion hygiene.

Food is required by a good healthy stomach and other digestive organs, or satiety warns us that a sufficient amount or too much has been warned Perfect digestion is a health concerning eating habits It can only be maintained by carefully observing the rules.

Regarding hygiene of digestion, we cite several paragraphs from the study of Physiology of Dr. Kellogg and briefly summarize the more important points related to it:

"Digestive hygiene must do with the quality and quantity of food that can be eaten in the way of eating it.

If the food can be eaten too quickly, digestive juice can not easily act on it when it is not correctly divided and swallowed into a coarse chunk, due to insufficient chewing, saliva is in quantity As a result, the starch is not digested sufficiently and the stomach does not secrete a sufficient amount of gastric juice. But eat as soft or liquid food swallowing properly to chew. A considerable proportion of hard food requiring thorough chewing needs to be eaten every meal.

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