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Proper planning will prevent problems

Especially pay close attention to the planning, vegetarian diet will contain an appropriate amount of nutrients. Nutrients such as proteins, iron, calcium, zinc and vitamins B-12 and D all easily incorporate into your vegetarian lifestyle of proper planning Here are plans for points to consider in the guidelines Weekly Shopping trip and organization Weekly menu.
Plant protein alone is a source of dietary protein and dietary protein is changed, so long as the caloric intake is high enough to satisfy the energy demand, ten full grains of non- essential amino acids, legumes, vegetables, seeds and nuts Everything contains the necessary, nonessential amino acids. Protein of soybean was shown to be equivalent to protein of animal origin such as soymilk and tofu.
Vegetarians may have greater risk of iron deficiency than non vegetarians. Dried fruits and beans, spinach and brewer's yeast are all good sources of iron.
Vitamin B-12 can be found in some brands, as well as vitamin supplements, enhanced breakfast cereals with brewing yeast and soybean drinks. Carefully read the labels of other foods; you may be surprised at what foods are B-12 to be strengthened.
As a vegetarian it is essential that there is a reliable source of vitamin D in your diet. Outdoor exercise in the daytime and work in your garden is a wonderful choice for getting this important nutrient. Those who do not have the opportunity to acquire and absorb the sun need to consider adding supplements to their diet.
Recent studies suggest that vegetarians absorb and preserve more calcium from food than non-vegetarian equivalent. Green vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli, some beans and soy products are good sources of calcium from plants.
Zinc is essential for growth and development. Good plant sources include cereals, nuts and legumes. However, the daily zinc requirement of zinc is actually quite low. Be careful to choose supplements that do not exceed 15-18 mg zinc.
Vegetarians may have greater risk of iron deficiency than non vegetarians. Dried beans, spinach, concentrated products, beer yeast and dried fruits are all good plant sources of iron. When eating with fruits and vegetables containing a large amount of vitamin C, your body more willingly absorbs the necessary iron, so as much as possible when planning a meal

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