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How creative, professional and perfect customers

How to Find Learning, "Customer's Creative-Service.

It's tough. :
Client, business, earnings, creative, professional,

Article body:
When using a "full" customer, life is great and business is easy. A perfect client is excited about your job to pay in time, tell all of her friends about you, and a customer who has easily reproduced what you do, that business is difficult right?

Let's discuss how to find more perfect customers so you can increase your income and reduce the drama of your not so perfect customers.

First, define your "full" customer. Write a list of specific items that will make (or think) your client large. Is the client male or female? Does he have a child? Is she married? In what area does the client live? How much money is the customer? What kind of car is he driving? What kind of character is the customer? What age range is the client? What is she doing for a living?

If you have a list of criteria that make up a perfect client, find out what clients do in their spare time. What is her hobby? Is she doing charity work? Are the children for coaching sports involved? Is she a member of any professional institution or chamber of commerce? Do your customers like to entertain her home guests? Where do your customers shop?

Such as clients are best for the market perspective to know where until his time. For example, if your perfect customer is concerned with local charity, you may also want to be part of that composition to meet other potential customers. If your complete customer is a member of a professional organization, you may be able to write an article or speak for its composition. For your perfect client shop at a particular shop, the shop owner or merchant who has a flyer about your company at the checkout counter is endless-about your complete target customer If you understand the details.

Also, ask the "full" department, which already falls for referrals. My personal preference way to ask for referrals is to say, "I am a customer who works with my complete type, and I need a project of the kind that I want to work with more people like you. If you have friends or family to do, please call me: You've had the pleasure of working with them. "Then a business card or flyer or other of the marketing materials that can be passed on to them a perfect friend Give part of Also, you notice and follow letters

Use more opportunities for full customers than you have to find and use other perfect customers. If you have a client who is less and more perfect, they are more likely to refer you to other less and more perfect people are the ones who surround yourself and complete the company even better Thing!

Do you think of my products that I do not understand or express?

That is the question that networkers ask me a lot. In particular, it is a product that I love now. I heard that it was very delicious. Kko:

1. Has anyone bought your product?

If not, then did everyone talk, don't you? Sigh. And no, it's not necessarily that your presentation is bad. (Http:// Even at an ideal show 'n says, there may be no match . N ...

It's tough. :
Kim-Klaver, Klaver, Marketing, MLM

Article body:
That is the question that networkers ask me a lot. In particular, it is a product that I love now. I heard that it was very delicious. Kko:

1. Has anyone bought your product?

If not, then did everyone talk, don't you? Sigh. And no, it's not necessarily that your presentation is bad. (Http:// Even at an ideal show 'n says, there may be no match . Everyone plays tennis, so no one buys the latest largest tennis racket. Some people like golf, so spend their shekels on it.

Useful Belief 1: Make sure that you are already pursuing just people sharing your worldview of things to start with. There big market teensie weensie sliver out there. For example, some people regularly buy and claim organic, even when given a choice. There is room for both. Depends on your values, yes?

2. Your word is immediately suspicious when your, seller is talking about the wonders of your product. Seth-Gorodin ( writes about this:

"There is a huge cohort of consumers who share the view of the world that marketers are lying in the scum. If, marketers say that, consumers will not believe it. Town These people do not believe if you boast about having the best service in. If you claim that you have the best price or one survey or another best score, they ignore you To do.

Subtleties ... It's easy to focus on profits, it's actually proofing that it is the best solution to the problem, focusing on profits, and advertising your features .. Naturally believe in evidence , Your audience. The fact that you have presented evidence is suspicious. .. If the consumer figure out something or discover it for herself, she is a thousand times more likely to believe it than if it's what you claim. (The emphasis was on KK)

This is the place where the art of marketing occurs. For most products and services, skywriting, bulletin boards and mail order are the wrong way to spread the message accurately. They are not noticed-probalby. But they are unbelievable. (The emphasis was on KK)

Notice Godin presents the "art of marketing." It is not easy. An experiment is required. No one really has it yet, including the big game.Why experiment and different approach.

Don't hold your breath. Give yourself time to do so. Your work will reduce stress. I don't sell the pressure.

Belief 2. If you give yourself time to learn how to talk to people about your product, so 1) ask for the right one, 2) with your word

3. How do you think it's great for your product before you start marketing it, please let others know your lead. This is not to recommend a restaurant or a movie.

You have financial interests when you are talking about a restaurant or movie, not the result of your product spout. And the moment of truth always creates anxiety for people. .. When future customers finally ask, "Well, where do I get this wonderful product?" Uh, well, I have some in my wallet, or hmm, here There is a catalog and forgot to put this code when you order .. ah

And can you read her heart? "Oh, so this is what all is about .."

Belief 3. A professional who is about to say great things about you, but it's going to be a great problem soon after. The truth is suddenly suspicious, even if everything you said is true. (Http:// How come the real story comes out in words, but I'll help. Certainly that's all I know?

I can not believe this. Do it Look at how they feel.

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