(Speed) n pieces. 1. Mathematics & Physics. Travel distance divided by travel time. 2. Business & Life. Ratio of results to time invested.
Speed is the distance (result) divided by time, period. Some leaders confuse this with the formula of "fool gold": time divided acts. Try to postpone the action and try to avoid the speed completely by becoming stagnant, either — or “red lining” culture. ..
It's tough. :
Organizational Speed, Leadership, Leadership Classes
Article body:
(Speed) n pieces. 1. Mathematics & Physics. Travel distance divided by travel time. 2. Business & Life. Ratio of results to time invested.
Speed is the distance (result) divided by time, period. Some leaders confuse this with the formula of "fool gold": time divided acts. If you try to postpone the action and try to avoid the speed completely by becoming stagnant, either—or “red lining” culture into a blazing pattern of acceleration. So you will be part of a great enemy, or a self-made mirage, masking either basic strategies of speed, execution, or both.
If you review a business periodical or annual report, you will probably read about the rapid acts of waiting or virtue of wisdom. This is a great copy, but when the anesthesia is out, we show that the debilitating hangover and action is not a problem or an answer
Life options are fast. Velocity is less arbitrary than gravity or evolution. Speed is part of every marriage, every friendship, every contest, every physical and emotional interaction on earth. And without questions, speed is a vital part of any business model. Ultimately, all business results are measured against one constant in the universe. . . it's time
Revenue is measured against time. Service is measured against time. Customer loyalty, production, profit per share, debt, sales, cost of sales, tax burden, gross profit, net profit-any metric you, your employees, your leadership, but we I can not manage time. To speed things up, we need to work on the other side of the equation, the result side. Specifically, you need to identify and leverage the resources that produce the results.
Oh I know that leverage is one of those "consultant" words. However, it may be the only word that the leader describes exactly what to do. In fact, if the leader can compare to any inanimate, then the lever will fit the bill.
Let's face it, if the leader already has all the power needed to achieve the objective (s), he complicates things by the involvement of others and achieves the purpose already to the people You do not need a leader if you have enough power. Yes.. You can leverage current resources to increase the ratio of results to time invested.
Most sources of competitive advantage today-technology, talent, capital, intellectual property, but even superior products-have an incredibly short shelf life. And when the grease gets hot (the benefits of yesterday become the norm today) the tissue can become very vulnerable.
Specifically, we are at the mercy of three distinct groups focused on our own survival and prosperity:
-A sensitive perceptual employee who ultimately determines the level of discretionary effort of the organization
-An increasingly sophisticated and relentless customer
-Faster, quicker competitors are poised to create and fill the next void
Consciously manage the speed (to meet other original high-speed business practices of competitive advantage, meet more needs for more people in less time)
A leader that ignores speed--fail to incorporate a systematic, discreet process to increase the ratio of results to time invested--fry naked bacon.
It feels good at first, appears very liberated, and may even produce short-term gains. However, without proper training, we are dangerously overexposed and very likely to be wounded forever.
Fast leaders simply don't take the opportunity. They understand the vital nature of speed, the role in meeting the market, and the key training required to produce better results in less time.
Performers on any stadium consistently commit themselves to the foundation. They apply only a handful of basic principles that religiously give them that slight extra edge. So, it should come with its fast surprises, Agile companies—and those who lead them—show a powerfully easy way of thinking in leadership.
Specifically, they express models and reward five different areas. Five trainings for fast leaders:
S tructure
(Repeatable process and movable tools for major tasks)
(We take personal responsibility for business performance and expect)
E mpathy
(Understand how people / groups think, feel and act)
E ducation
(Establish learning as a 24/7/365, job critical responsibility)
D irection
(Where are we going, why?)
Consider all the common characteristics:
-Everything is on the order of any company, including yours.
-Everything is not realized to any degree in any company-including yours.
Each has immediate and direct impact on performance.
-All are dangerous as in their absence, as they are powerful in their presence.
Combined, they enhance (exponentially) any other form of comparative advantage that we may possess.
Simply put, it can be managed and managed.
Why speed?
Speed kill (competition)
Virtually every industry, enjoying first in the market ten times (ten times!) Its closest competitor's profit. More importantly, after this first leg of the race is over, the law of compensation begins. And with a few exceptions, prosperity was distributed in direct proportion to quantity and quality of service was done. That is, organizations that meet most needs for most people with increasing "movement economy" dominate their respective markets.
Speed treatment. .
Speed replaces various histopathology as a way of leadership thinking and cultural thinking. Like powerful antibiotics, speed is by the bloodstream of the group, which counteracts debilitating diseases of delay, apathy, confusion, malicious compliance, responsibility, and thinking of the victim.
The five SPEED trainings are designed to meet the rigor of the increasingly competitive market increasingly filled with sleek, agile athletes with the vigor that is armed with momentum.
Momentum is a rate that decreases in proportion to-and-or-by-products of nature. The amount of exercise is the "wonder drug" of achievement. This intangible, yet powerful resource allows players to play with pain, salespeople to withstand temporary defeats, friends, abnormal results through the public while you are asleep Like compound interest for a diligent investor, momentum works. It extends the original effort and rewards consistent training.
The speed is exponential. .
Even gradual changes in velocity produce quantum results.
At a distance of 100 yards, raising or lowering the barrel of a high-power rifle by 1 / 8th of an inch, the bullet strike point is the target 4-6-Also, to produce consistent results, like business Need to consider environmental variables such as the amount of explosives (new technology, high talent) and wind losses (competition, recession)
Skilled Marksman who is aware of this adjusts a specific number of "clicks" to the aiming device to compensate for these variables as they appear, to take a step closer analogy, That most sportsmen use sandbags as a stabilizer when they first witnessed with their weapons and, when hunting games in the field, they use nearby trees and rocks if possible Tries to reproduce this advantage by defeating the rifle.
Similarly, five SPEED training stabilizes our business practices. Direct guidance with a good guide is a considerable error in attacking the target exactly. Speed is not an additive, nor a simple multiplier. Because it is truly an exponential variable, a small degree of speed advantage can compensate for the other insurmountable differences of other resources. Likewise, a small degree of lost speed can waste other forms of competitive advantage.
Lessons from Quick & Dead:
In this era of advanced technology, rapid change, accelerated communication, and increasingly sophisticated customers, two different types of organizations are beginning to emerge ... and the dead!
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