As a child, not as a carer, you may have to step in and become more active in your parent's life For all the family, it seems to come as a shock .
It's strange that we are all watching the television report on the transition we pass through when the parent becomes a subordinate and the child becomes the boss of the relationship, And the hardest part of that transition is It may be the first time you step in and stage an intervention. So what are the signs that it is time to step in and suggest or take action directly to make that change in your parents' life?
With regard to driving, your dad or mom's doctor can help by determining if your parent can drive physically The vision of the elderly can not distinguish distance details or depth Because of poor perception of where the intersection is or where it is stopped in the middle of the intersection
Moving a mom or dad out of their homes may be more tricky than deciding when to start the process of moving to a life support facility. As with driving, older people make every effort to appear to be able to live independently. When we want and take care of our own needs, that ability to live on our own is where we go so we want
So as a member of your family, the ability to take care of your parent's home as a carer for your parent and the signs of your own living alive some of the symptoms of the need for change It is ...
How is your mother's or father's health? Are they eating well? Check the pantry and the fridge. It's full of lots of fresh food and food supplies to eat good things, going to the grocery store is a trial for your parents
Do your parents take care of themselves? When you come, do they seem to be sleeping alright? They are well kept clean and clean, the clothes are clean and usable, or all shirts and blouses in laundry and press
ど の How does your house look? Is it a good repair? Is it picked up and everything is tidy and clean kitchen? Mom has always been meticulous about her kitchen, and now she is always upset, she has trouble keeping up with her housework.
お 母 さ ん Are your mother and father always at home? If they were going out normally for a car trip and were always there, the church or even just a grocery store or even an outing to an adventure, get fixed fixed to go out
Of all these symptoms, perhaps those who walk in and take a treatment time signal can your seniors fall to the floor or go and get up and your mother or dad can't get up, I had to sleep there until someone appeared to help them, so in the living room
Talk to your senior parents about the risks of living alone, especially in horrible things that can not happen. By the time these horrible incidents occur, your parents have time to go somewhere where they can live with greater security and security
We are a sandwich generation
The generation born between 1950 and 1970 is often called the baby boom generation. There were some variations in that title, including my generation, for the Vietnamese generation and even for certain comedians, Al Frankin generation. But for us children, also our aging parents The most appropriate title for where we are now is "sandwich-generation" because it looks like a carer of.
Because we in our late 40's and early 60's are responsible for the two generations before and after us. The result is a rising child, a teenager with teenagers or maybe a mom with all the demands that our children's children can put adults in this new century
At the same time, caring for aging parents can be even more tense and tighter
Sandwich generation in terms of emotional stress. The pressure we realize is a new thing for us when our parents begin to age. It is not difficult at all to get our arms at all to make ourselves aware of the needs of newborn babies. When everyone in the generation has a baby, there is a lot of support and help for those who are learning the habit of what the baby needs.
In addition to great support and "parents training" classes and books, new baby arrivals at home are a source of pleasure. The arrival of new children has great hope and taking care of our children carries with it the creative element of doing something for the future. We see in our children our heritage so see them succeed and do everything we can to "launch" the next generation of our family
I would like to look forward to supporting older parents in care. Keep your grandmother, grandpa for kids and let us make things easier while there is a pleasure in knowing that you will live a happy, productive senior life to help your parents All the sugar coatings in the world, as we increase what we can give our aging parents the comfort and pleasure of gold years
The similarities between old and early childhood are well documented. But for the carer, to refer to the dad who was always completely smart and dynamic, since these parents were always strong for those who took care of us The ones that are strong and those that you can perform to get weak and old and lose his mental acuity are now when he has to go to you.
Mature adult sandwich. But we know, in a sense, that we are giving back to strong parents who did not spare money or time for us when we were growing that they needed, Now, they are no less than doing everything we can for them that we gave to us when we were young
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