latest Post

One dozen and one way to reduce postage

1. Never send a letter that weighs less than 30 gms. 5 sizes
For the 8-1 / 2x11 circulation, you can mail the first class stamps.
 There are a by using all 10 aspects of various offerings
A greater chance of accepting orders.

2. When you advertise, mention the price of your product and add plus
Shipping fee for example "One way to reduce dozen and shipping fee" $ 1 plus
Stamp and home - Sase (self-written). When inviting
Inquiries are always "Sender for sending information for that".

3. Advertise making paid shipments. Put the competition
If you are not involved in price and some all costs recover
Mail your own offer.

4. Write a good plan or folio; then create a good advertisement to sell it.
Or provide it to others on "fee" or "all profit" basis
And satisfy the order for SASE. Suggestions
When you fill in an order for free ride.

5. Make an interesting ad sheet. Please use some space
Your own ads then sell enough ads elsewhere to cover the cost
Posting fee, printing advertising etc.

6. "Free large postal for postage - advertise more postage
More mails "Tsutsu niece" Tsutsu Tsubu
Publication Plus a variety of Circular).

7. Please exchange by mail. You will mail 100 of another dealer's circulation
An email is 100.

8. Purchase accurate postal scale. Review deleted
You can use postage with the full value of need or better than you
The postage being used.

9. Reduce postage by at least 40% by using bulk mail. Contact us
post office. This requires Mailer (USA) to classify them
Mail at least 200 like a piece with state and zip code by mail
Just once

10. Saving All used stamps off selling e-mails
To agents that advertise on publications of mail orders. One
Such companies are: Mel enterprises, high rivers in box 3777, AB,
Canada T0L1B0.

Stamp not canceled due to error of 11.
You can reuse the mail canceller again.

12. Accept stamps from other countries. If you can not use those trade
You could use stamps for that country from a dealer
Something to pay for them with equal worth stamps from them.

13. Looking mailorder publication dealer has new stamp
Sell ​​at a reduced price.

N.B. It is a fake economy that does not send SASE when making it
Inquiries of other dealers. The likelihood that you will receive will be higher
The answer is much more quickly, it improves business relations.

The above material is not protected by copyright. You can then copy it
Given away or sold. Your choice.

How to write sales letters packed by force

Part 1

You will read this report In 90% of yours
Time involves marketing either directly or by mailing the response.

Invite through a mailing list or whether people write
The information that I had was never said
Most of your investment is that it is to write sales
Letter If you send only the requested material,
Decrease your chances of greatly success.

Mostly world-famous Edward - Green that I have seen so far
Marketing letter, one of the most successful quasi-legal pyramids
All time plans. It is an absolute masterpiece
If there are all five of the salesperson, and the recommended page
Included in the mailing list, it is a bull baffle, so many people
The great number of that user makes money with that.

However, it does not offer, so you do not recommend trying it
It puts the value of the dollar and there is a very poor light
Something to provide later, to give a good value.

A personal selling message is the most critical part of every direct
Or response sales exercise. You can write a good one and you can
Literally make luck. I can write and do it on a regular basis
Good review by ""
From character to direct mail organization cost
From $ 1,000 to $ 10,000.

It has been confirmed that if we do not have it, we will tell you how to write this time
Please try exercise before continuing with the rest of this article.

First, write a letter from 300-500 words to explain to a long time
You get involved in the best Why your friend cross country
With the program, why did it now
I would like to try it.

Write a letter of the same length as explained in the next mail
order dealer is this program, now, why
Good for him, why you want him to join.

This is a fatal serious demand and we are doing it to prove it
Stop the article right here and continue it under another
The title of the next page. Write those letters for yourself!

Super Tips - Part 2

In addition, I would like to make a statement of sales
Writing, we would like you to arrange them side by side now
Carefully note the difference between the two letters. If you are doing
You have not experienced this, you immediately
I gave both a fictitious mail order dealer and you far away
Different reasons for friends why they like your opportunities.
Great! Because the most effective sales letter for both
Your friend and your dealer are somewhere in between.

Do not worry about grammar and structure for the time being
It's the contents and presentation of the letter
It is important.

We gave you a word restriction.
Keep the reader's attention. Many of the people you will reach via
Direct or responsive shipment receives weekly load of offering.
They need to keep up with the state of the industry.
 And they are not going to sit through long explanations
Unless you first grab them.

What you do is focus on the single most important benefit
Owners will then enjoy. It will not stop there! You are going to do it.
Interestingly, please tell the client about the benefit. ,
A compelling way.

You say you sell Crust Buster widgets. That's perfect
Review deleted
It is necessary to bust the crust at least in one third.

Here's how we can open a letter of sale:

"I have to admit I was shocked. After two weeks I got mine
Review deleted "

Intrigue? You bet. Readers expect a put down for
Widget. But it is not what you are getting.

You caught an off guard leader, and for you shock value, you are
I want to put these two lines in the capital at your upper level
Character, you do not need to emphasize or use underlining for it
It will be a bit too unnatural. You can use this line
Open letters to friends and strangers with the same effect. Now,
Here, I am taking a reader:

"At first, I was surprised that the crust buster really cut.
"" When you notice it even by review
How much I was doing it old way, and how many chances I
I owned Krust Buster Widget, how I was stubborn and furious
It was"

Let's examine the methodology here.
Good sales letters. The first sentence does not explain anger
Since it is described in the lead statement, the reader needs to read it
Get an explanation and you can no longer keep the reader
Like a multiplication, a good whodunit reads about denying that person's personality
To the last

It also meets the requirements of a good lead statement. that is
Explain the key advantages of the product and do it for the strong
language. The writer is "surprised". Product "Actually"
It's a job and it says nothing about the prospect of purchase

While still using private examples, it is testimonial,
Most sales letters, excellent techniques of writer point
Outlook is the old way to crush the crust, do what it is supposed to do
Point out the situation the reader probably encountered.

Opportunity is good that the writer knows and has seen his prospects
Review deleted

And finally, he will very subtlely point out the prospects probably
I do not own it by using myself as an example. He is saying
People are basically stubborn and that nobody likes it
Dammit He is setting himself as someone who is stubborn, like many readers
Trying something new is angry with his mistake.

Well, the writer knows that it is a mistake it does not own
If the product said he actually came out, "If you do not own it
Crust buster widget, you are wrong ", he is not going to do
Any friends or sales widgets.

The last one is worth noting. It never takes a degree with
To write such a paragraph English, just bit of thought
A whole bunch of editing and rewriting, it loads just right.

Continue the letter, let's see where it might go, and why
That way to go:

"I will not say that it will do for you what it did for me ..."

This is soft selling, it works wonders. It tells the reader
What he already knows, that the product is not perfect. that is
To be honest about how to discover this meaning
It is convenient.

"... But, it is allowed me to spend a lot of other time
Things, and it means that my business is executed more efficiently
Make a bigger profit. "

This is a benefit the reader is waiting for
It actually hits the house. .. by golden product, it
Happiness, charm, there is a possibility of something. All products
Touch one of these two human needs: need to increase
Avoid happiness or misfortune. One will always be better
More important than the other, and one type of happiness or
Unhappy is the central focus of sales letters as that
It relates to the product to be sold.

As writers are slowly and sufficiently connected to this profit,
It is built into the climax, now, the reader moves either
Directly on the advertising material, which is the whole point
Please read this letter at the end or in the letter at the first place.

At this point, it is always advisable to mention that
The product makes its own payment over a certain period of time,
It certainly does it, it is not just newness

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